中國成功研發鐵路活魚貨櫃運送系統 2007年中國農業部、科學暨技術部、貿易部及鐵道部合作,利用橫越中國的火車運送淡水活魚的鐵路貨櫃系統技術,歷經兩年的研發及測試終於正式上路。而由上海海洋大學團隊主導研發貨櫃水循環及溫控系房屋貸款統的相關技術,經過不斷的實驗終於以較低成本成功提高水產品存活率;並開始量產供商業使用的貨櫃。中國消費者偏愛生鮮活魚,而淡水養殖大多集中在中國南方,北方在冬天則會面臨水產品短缺的窘境。鐵路貨櫃運送活魚的新技術,可以克個人信貸服利用公路(貨車)將水產品由南方運送到北方衍生的低存活率及高費用等問題。專門養殖及販售吳郭魚、鱧魚( snakehead fish)等的廣東省Rongfu水產取得該項新技術授權,計畫先載運活鱧魚到中國北方,將來其他魚種再逐步加入運送行列。酒店經紀  (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 16/2010) After two years of development and testing, a railroad container system to transport live freshwater fish by train acrossChina will be operated commercially. The 節能燈具technology was jointly developed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry ofScience and Technology, Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Railway since 2007. Shanghai Ocean University was theleading team of this 借錢project which developed the container system that circulates water and controls temperature. During thetrial, the technology was successfully able to improve the survival rate of fish at much lower cost. Mass 有巢氏房屋production of thiscontainer is now underway for commercial use. Live fish is still preferred by consumers throughout China. Freshwaterfarming is concentrated in southern China and in the winter, there is a shortage 票貼of supply in the north. Transporting fish byroad (truck) from the south to the north is expensive and the fish mortality is very high. The new technology of transportinglive fish using railroad container can 酒店工作overcome these problems. To start commercialising the system, Rongfu Aquaculture, acompany in Guangdong involved in farming and trading of tilapia, snakehead fish, etc has been authorized to use thistechnology. For ARMANIa start, it plans to transport live snakehead fish to northern China, followed by other fish species in thefuture.

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